The other night I was craving something sweet and pulled out a bag of gluten free scone mix! Yep, I made some sweet lemon, blueberry scones for dessert (and clearly had leftovers for the week!). I have to say, a lot of gluten-free food is not that tasty- I find that the texture is usually off- but I have found that I am a huge fan of all of Pamela’s Products. They have everything from cookies to pizza dough and scone mix- and it’s all delicious. In fact, I gave a plate of the scones to to a friend and they devoured them- not having a clue they were gluten free! Whether or not you are gluten-free, I seriously recommend trying out some of Pamela’s Products (check out their website here; they can be found everywhere from Whole Foods to Fairway Market and specialty health food stores).
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!!
Over the past week I have hit a few walls, wanting to snack on some bread or cookies- I decided to chug a bottle of water whenever the feeling comes over me. This technique has curbed my wheat cravings every time as I know it's not really hunger it's eating out of boredom! It’s a great feeling as it makes me feel lighter and more energetic rather than walking around in a ‘food coma’ all day.
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! Last night I ended my night with hot yoga followed by baked salmon with veggies- I woke up feeling more energized and clear-headed than ever before. I have always loved cooking and have always used a ton of fresh produce while cooking but I love having replaced my carbs with more veggies or protein. I have been thinking of it as a cooking challenge- what can I replace those carbs with and still feel as though I’m eating a well-rounded, tasty meal? I have over the past two weeks incorporated much more of the following in my diet: avocado, eggs, veggies, quinoa and for a salty snack, homemade popcorn!
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! Well, today I learned that I slipped up! I have been eating quite a bit of beans- black beans, mostly- and have just been bringing a can with me to work as I have been in and out of town so much and have basically no fresh food in my apartment. Well, apparently canned black beans are not gluten free… so it’s a bummer but now I know and will make the adjustment to my diet. I guess that’s what this is all about anyways, learning what my body likes and doesn’t, so lets see what this change brings about!
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! Today I felt great- my weight is still at the ‘4 pound less than when I began’ mark and I felt light inside. I actually want to workout everyday- there is a new energy inside of me. I am heading to Cape Cod tonight for a weekend with friends so I’m sure it will be a bit challenging again (as it always is to be disciplined while on vacation) but I’m sure I’ll get through it!
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! I am still full from last night’s dinner! I went to a relative’s house and we barbequed salmon filets and more veggies than you could imagine. If I did that every night I truly would not have an issue with carb cravings- not that I do at this point but every once and a while, for example, when I saw my cousins eating Oreos last night, I get a jolt of jealousy. Following my jealous angst though is a quick mental reminder that I feel so good without it, and I move on. If I am really craving something sweet I go for a spoonful of peanut butter or handful of chocolate chips to satisfy my sweet-tooth!
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! Every Wednesday morning I attend a networking meeting at the crack of dawn…. The positives that has always come out of it (other than prospective business leads) are the delicious chocolate croissants. Well, this morning I filled up my plate with fruit and loaded up on coffee instead of diving into the bagel and croissant basket- it was a little tough but I left the meeting feeling great. I had a lunch of beans and soft-boiled eggs (I know, a bit random but I still haven’t hit the grocery store!) and felt ready to hit a bikram yoga class after work! Last night I was talking to a good friend who went gluten free about 3 months ago and she said you only feel better and it only gets easier as time goes on! We shall see...
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)!! I had my first ‘protein style burger’ today! For those of you that don't know, a 'protein style burger' is a burger with all the fixins wrapped in lettuce rather than a bun. It was so tasty and fresh- I didn’t feel like I was missing out at all! I am feeling great this week- light, energetic and clear-headed. I am having the most regular bowel movements I have ever had. I love being gluten free.
WIN A 3 PACK OF COLONICS!!! PURE Colonics wants you to try a mini-version of what I did! Try a gluten-free diet for just one week, keep a journal of how your feeling, changes you noticed, and so forth and submit it to the PURE Colonics' Facebook page. At the end of October there will be a drawing from all of the names of people who submitted their journal entries. If your name is picked, you win 3 colonics ($405 value)! Kick-starting your summer with a healthy makeover from the inside out! Here are some tips to get your body feeling refreshed and ready for this skin-baring season!
Drink Up! Challenge yourself to drinking two liters of water a day. Small changes will make it possible, i.e. start the morning out with a glass of water before getting your cup of joe and drink a glass between each glass of wine while at happy hour. This will not only get things moving inside but you'll notice a difference in your skin as well. Stretch It Out Start feeling more agile and limber by stretching your muscles on a daily basis. Rather than sitting on the couch during your favorite show, grab a spot on the floor and loosen that tension. Who knows, you may even be motivated to get out of the house all together and go for a quick jog or walk around the block! Find A New Activity The change in weather is the perfect opportunity to change up your usual activities. Challenge your body in new ways such as taking a yoga or salsa dancing class. The city is full of fun, free, activities outdoors throughout the next couple of months- we even listed some on the calendar that seem particularly fun. For more ideas, check out the Hudson River Park Events Calendar. Give Your Insides A Break! Take a break from your normal diet and try a cleanse or detox. Click here for a few that Philomena is a fan of! Get a Colonic The colon plays a huge role in throwing out toxins but when it's backed-up it can't do it's job properly. Visit us for a hydro-colonic to start your summer on a clean note. Does your liver need a break? Weighing in at approximately 3 lbs, the liver is the largest gland in the body. It secretes between one half and one full quart of bile each day. That's the same volume as a carton of milk! All toxic substances, either produced or absorbed by the intestine, are detoxified in the liver. According to Ayurveda, it is the seat where anger, hate, jealousy, and fire easily stagnate. Releasing anger brings maturity. In Chinese medicine, the liver emotionally generates the will to grow and provides the energy of creativity. The 7-Day PURE Liver Cleanse Morning: > Drink 8 oz of room-temperature water with squeezed lemon juice upon awakening. > About half an hour later, drink Dr. Schulze's Liver /Gallbladder Flush Drink*, consisting of:
Ideas for lunch:
Ideas for diner:
Throughout the Day > Avoid: Oily, fried foods, sugar, alcohol, cannabis, tobacco. > Herbs to use: Kutki, Schizandra, Triphala > Drink liver-friendly teas all day that will include herbs such as:
> Drink one glass of unsweetened cranberry juice every afternoon Gas: If you feel bloated and gaseous from eating so many vegetables, try a digestive enzyme that targets what type of food you are eating or probiotics |
November 2014